How to get rid of pimples , step by step remedy...

I know how annoying those pimples can be , they come out of no where and touching them just makes them worse. But , I have a quick remedy I'd like to share with you . It has helped me in the past when I had a pimple I needed to get rid of overnight.

Step 1) Get a cue tip or just wash your hands before doing this so oil doesn't get on your face .

Step 2)Apply a dab of toothpaste onto the cue tip or on your finger tip , put it on the pimple and let it sit over night so the paste can harden.

Step 3) wash your face when you wake up and you will notice a huge difference.

What this remedy does is the toothpaste you applied to the pimple hardens , causing the pimple to dry up and get smaller. However , Don't do this as a long term thing as it could damage your skin.

Remember , acne and pimple remedies are short term fixes , they should never be overused. If you want a natural way to clear your face and keep it acne free , I recommend getting a guide book that provides you with everything needed to know about how to clear your face permanently .

Click here for the guide I have found most useful on getting rid of acne and pimples.


  1. I got lots of pimples too, they started during my high school days. What i did was, before i got to sleep i wash my face with secured soap anti-bacterial. Then wash it with warm water.
    Then go to rest. Days gone by and my pimples are slowly fading. Thanks for that soap.

    get rid of cold sore naturally

  2. My favorite thing that I have ever tried and worked out on my face. I never had relief from acne until my husband and I were out at the mall and the representive tried proactive on my face.

