How To Get Rid Of Acne - My Story

If you want to go right to the guide I used without reading my whole success story Click Here ...

I developed acne when I was 15 years old , everyone told me I'd grow out it , which in most cases you do but , It slowly began to get worst over the years and waking up and looking in the mirror just became unbearable . So , I decided to take action at around 18 years old. By this time I had severe acne.

So , I used pretty much every acne product on the shelves , all of them were NOT effective!

I even searched online for homemade acne treatments and found a few , did what they said .

Guess what happened ? IT MADE IT WORSE!

*sigh* Well , as the days and weeks flew by I just gave up hope as I tried every remedy and product that I came across whether it being online or at the store.

I kinda just lived with it , until the urge for change hit me again at age 20 when I was online and saw an advertisement "get rid of acne" in 3 days , Clicked it and read over the site.

Okay okay , to be totally honest with you I clicked on it laughing about how ridiculous it sounded. But, at the same time desperate on finding acne help.

I read over the entire site , did some research on real reviews and came to the conclusion this guide on how to get rid of acne in 3 days might actually work!

I signed up and instantly got the information , I was literally stunned at the how clearly the material was all written out for me and just as advertised ( eh maybe it took about 4-5 days for me) this guide delivered and completely cleared my face.

I am now 22 years old and been acne free for almost 2 years , This guide helped me out so much and I'm thankful for running into it.

Just a little piece of advice , Don't be a fool like me and be mislead by these home remedies and face washing stuff like Clearasil you see at the store because 90% of the time your acne will keep reoccurring or possibly make it worse depending on the sensitivity of your skin !

Click Here To View The Product I used to get rid of my acne...

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads , Step By Step...

Blackheads are the most common occurrence on the face , They are also harder to get rid of as they spread very easily. Here is a good blackhead remedy on how to get rid of blackheads , hope it helps:

STEP 1 ) Prepare a mixture of lemon, honey and yogurt.

STEP 2 ) Add salt in it ( The grainy salt will make a scrub out of the mixture. )

STEP 3 ) Scrub this on the face for five minutes everyday and it should remove the blackheads.

This remedy should help to get rid of blackheads once and for all , for more information on how to get to blackheads Click Here

Quick Remedy For Pimples

First of all, before you read on about the pimple remedy : you should never pop, pick or squeeze pimples, no matter how tempted you are. This can cause inflammation and lead to scars or darkened areas of the face. It may also spread the oils and bacteria to other areas of the face, which can lead to more acne. Also, squeezing leaves an opening in the skin, which can sometimes lead to a severe infection. Never pop pimples.

To reduce a pimple's redness, and swelling, apply ice (either cube or pack) to it every half hour for about 2 minutes. It will also reduce any inflammation and pain the pimple causes.

Wash your face several times a day with an acne cleanser or mild, perfume free soap. Use a pad or cloth and gently scrub your skin. A gentle rubbing ensures that your skin's natural oils are not removed. Over rubbing can actually aggravate pimples causing them to become more inflamed and even redder.

Cover up pimples with a product that's designed to conceal them. It should be applied lightly and match the color of your skin. But , remember makeup should be a last resort as it can make your pimple worse.

My best advice on how to get rid of acne fast would be to try a good pimple remedy first or get a guide on how to get rid of acne and pimples before you turn to makeup.

What Causes Cystic Acne , How To Treat It ?

Cystic acne is caused from a form of abscess which is shaped when oil ducts get clogged and infected. Generally, cystic acne is commonly seen in the teenage years and mainly affects on the face. Cystic acne which affects in the deeper skin tissue can result in more superficial inflammation when compared with ordinary acne. Cystic acne breakouts are painful and can result in deep scarring. Most dermatologists consider cystic acne as the most severe of its kind.

I had a horrible experience with cystic acne , You can just feel a new cyst coming too which is the worst part , They can be very painful. How to treat cystic acne is a common question asked by many , but the truth is there is no remedies for them except let them take their coarse naturally.

The best piece advice I can offer to one suffering from cystic acne is too get a guide clinically proven to help restore clear skin naturally , what the guide is basically about is detoxing your body in just a few easy to read steps , It will most likely clear your cystic acne within a few days.

So , If you have cystic acne or just regular acne , the guide on how to get rid of cystic acne is right for you.

Getting rid of acne , Quick remedy that might help !

Okay , I just heard of this homemade acne remedy on how to get rid of acne. So I will explain it too you step-by-step . I have not used it but I've read a few good reviews.

This homemade acne treatment includes baking soda and water.

STEP 1 ) Mix about a 1/2 a cup of baking soda with water until it creates a paste.

STEP 2 ) Apply to face and let sit for 15 minutes.

STEP 3 ) rinse your face , and optionally use a light moisturizer to finish things off.

The baking soda helps dry the excess oil on your face and helps the blemishes heal more quickly. So if your looking for an inexpensive way too help treat your acne , give it a shot. +

What Causes Acne ?

Your Sebaceous glands are responsible for producing sebum , which is responsible for keeping the skin and hair moisturized. However , during teenage years ( 13-20 usually ) your hormones are very high . Which causes the glands to overproduce sebum making your face oily . When your face has more oil than usual , you will start to develop pimples, zits , blackheads and worst case is acne. The Sebaceous glands will start to slow down the overproduction of sebum after age 20 in most cases.

A bacteria, known as Propionibacterium acnes, is a normal inhabitant of the skin. It uses sebum as a nutrient for growth, therefore increases in follicles during puberty. People with acne have more Propionibacterium acnes in their follicles than people without acne.

The presence of bacteria attracts white blood cells to the follicle. These white blood cells produce an enzyme that damages the wall of the follicle, allowing the contents of the follicle to enter the dermis. This process causes an inflammatory response seen as papules (red bumps), pustules, and nodules. The bacteria also causes the formation of free fatty acids, which are irritants, increasing the inflammatory process in the follicle.

Now you know the main reasons on what causes acne , the question now how can you treat this natural occurrence? The answer is simple , All you need is the right information and step by step guide to be able to manipulate your acne naturally to make it disappear forever.

For more on what causes acne and how to get rid of acne , stay tuned as I will be posing more tips and info soon !

How to get rid of pimples , step by step remedy...

I know how annoying those pimples can be , they come out of no where and touching them just makes them worse. But , I have a quick remedy I'd like to share with you . It has helped me in the past when I had a pimple I needed to get rid of overnight.

Step 1) Get a cue tip or just wash your hands before doing this so oil doesn't get on your face .

Step 2)Apply a dab of toothpaste onto the cue tip or on your finger tip , put it on the pimple and let it sit over night so the paste can harden.

Step 3) wash your face when you wake up and you will notice a huge difference.

What this remedy does is the toothpaste you applied to the pimple hardens , causing the pimple to dry up and get smaller. However , Don't do this as a long term thing as it could damage your skin.

Remember , acne and pimple remedies are short term fixes , they should never be overused. If you want a natural way to clear your face and keep it acne free , I recommend getting a guide book that provides you with everything needed to know about how to clear your face permanently .

Click here for the guide I have found most useful on getting rid of acne and pimples.

How to get rid of acne scars

If you have had severe acne in the past , there is a big chance you could still have scars from it. I know I did. Before I signed up for the guide it did cross my mind , " if this guide even works , won't I have nasty scars anyway from having severe acne? "

Luckily , one of the upsides of the 3 day acne free guide is that it shows' you how to heal the aftermath of the acne , meaning the scars. I was really surprised that this could be done so quickly and most of all effectively.

Severe acne is extremely hard to get rid of without proper techniques , and if you do. Healing the scars are just another phase that can take several years , if it even heals at all!

That is why you need a acne curing guide that has real reviews with positive feedback like the one I used , I'm living proof that this stuff works!

Do yourself a favor and at least take a peek , It will be the best click you ever made !

Click here for the guide !

Homemade Acne Treatments , Do they work?

Hi there , If you already read my story on how I got rid of acne , you would see I mentioned homemade acne treatments don't really work.

This is true for the most part , however. I have come up with a few homemade acne remedies that for some people , have worked. It all depends on the person and how your skin reacts too it.

YOU must remember what causes acne though , Acne differs from pimples and zits , as It is a skin condition that must be healed naturally in order to stay clear.

So try these tips out and see how they work for you:

• Make a paste by mixing cinnamon powder and honey. Put this on pimples before you to bed and wash it off the next morning. Use warm water for rinsing.

• Create an anti-pimple mixture for normal skin by combining one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Do not use this if you have sensitive skin.

• Grind a few pieces of orange peel in water. Apply this on face to dry out pimples.

Those are simple homemade acne treatments that can be used for a quick fix , but I don't know about you but , I like to keep my face acne free using a step by step guide clinically proven to WORK , not using homemade acne treatments that come with the possibility in damaging or even worsening your acne!

Which is why you need to face the facts and get a acne help guide now !